Welcome back to Massage, with Specific Extra Measures re Covid 19
Since closing my treatment room on 20th March, I have been following the advisory guidelines In line with the advice of both the Government and my professional body, the CThA (Complementary Therapists Association), and have outlined below the extra measures I am taking to ensure the continuing health and wellbeing of all my clients and myself.
I will be allowing more time in between appointments so that I can thoroughly wipe down any hard surfaces, switches, and door handles, and see to laundry.
I am using anti bac hand gel before I begin any treatment, and am asking clients to do the same.
We have designated the downstairs bathroom purely for clients’ use.
I have introduced some small guest towels and face cloths in the bathroom for single use after hand washing. There will also be anti bac surface wipes if anyone wants to use them, and anti bac gel for personal hand use.
Anti bac laundry additive is being used (as normal) in the washer for laundry.
I have temporarily withdrawn facials from my treatment menu, until I receive further updates from CThA.
Following Government guidelines, I will be working in a visor and protective apron until I hear information to the contrary. As from August 8th, a face mask or fabric covering will be mandatory for all clients until further notice.
I have updated my Health & Safety Policy, which will be available for anyone to inspect if required.
I have prepared a cleaning schedule for in between clients, end of day, and weekly tasks, which can be viewed if requested, as can my & Phil’s temperature chart.
During my downtime, I have completed 3 courses: One W.H.O. online course specifically on Covid 19, and another on correct use of PPE, plus one on Preventing Disease Transmission in a Massage Practice.
The Government have identified a list of Risk Factors for vulnerable groups of people, and classified these groups as “High risk” or “Moderate Risk” in terms of susceptibility to infection. If anyone has any concerns about starting treatment again, or adapting their treatment, please ring me and we can talk about that.
Payments: Cash is still accepted, and will be carefully handled. I know that several of you are happy to pay me directly into my business account, which is fine. You can also pay by cheque.
Information about your appointment:
Until I hear guidance to the contrary, I will be contacting everyone before their appointment to go through a brief initial screening questionnaire, to confirm that you have no new persistent cough, high temperature, or loss/change of taste/smell; also to confirm that you haven’t been in close contact with someone with these symptoms in the past 14 days.
I will be taking my own temperature daily using a contact free forehead type thermometer, and will be asking each of you permission to take yours as you arrive so I can log it on your Client Records.
We have been informed that at the moment we shouldn’t provide water, even in a disposable cup, so please bring your own water for after your treatment. Also please bring your own pen to use, and a mask if you prefer to use one.
Any new clients will have their usual initial consultation before their first treatment, but this will be done by telephone until we receive guidance to the contrary.
Please ring, text or email me if you have any questions, concerns or want to have a chat about treatments.