Frequently Asked Questions
What are Complimentary Therapies, and what does Holistic mean?
Holistic comes from the Greek word Holos meaning Whole.
As Holistic Therapists, we aim to treat the person as a whole, encompassing body, mind and spirit, as the 3 elements work together best as one, and one cannot function properly without the others. Traditional medicine very often treats symptoms only, without considering the interaction between the 3 aspects. That isn’t to say we can manage without it! Complementary therapies are exactly that; they complement each other, and they can also complement traditional medicine. Together we are stronger!
I would like to try some therapies with you, but have lots of health issues: how is my confidentiality respected?
The more information and background I have to work with, the accurate I can be that the therapy we choose is appropriate for you, and any advice I can offer will be useful to you. Anything shared on a professional basis during consultation or thereafter is always treated in absolute confidence, as is your personal information, which is never passed on to any other 3rd party.
I notice that yours is a home-based treatment room; how private is it? Is parking available?
My room isn’t used for anything else. It is ground floor, with a ground floor toilet for clients’ use. It is quiet, has a lovely peaceful feel to it, and clients never feel they are intruding into family space, and vice versa. We have parking on the gradient free drive.
I am interested in trying Reflexology; will you be able to tell what’s wrong with me?
As Holistic Therapists, we are not allowed to diagnose conditions; only your GP is allowed to do so. During a Reflexology session I may be able to detect areas which are out of balance, and work on these to clear any energy blockages. It is a therapy which is very balancing to the body as a whole; it encourages relaxation, and also stimulates your own body’s natural healing mechanisms.
Which therapies are suitable for disabled or wheelchair bound clients?
Obviously everyone is individual, but massage can be adapted in lots of ways for wheelchair users, as can most therapies really. I have many years experience working with disabled clients, also learning difficulties, dementia and stroke sufferers, and terminally ill clients. There is always something we can do, and some way that we can adapt treatments.
I have just been diagnosed as having a serious condition; can Complementary Therapies cure?
It is widely documented that stress is the cause of approximately 75% of illnesses. When your body and mind are in total relaxation, this creates the ideal environment for your body’s immune system to work effectively.
By cultivating regular habits of relaxation (and this can also be in the form of meditation, visualization techniques, or listening to a relaxation CD) you are helping your body and working with it, giving it the environment it needs to heal itself. Therapies can also play an important role, depending on your condition, but we cannot claim to cure. You are ultimately your own healer.
Our bodies are capable of being in perfect balance, and have the capacity for total health. Complementary therapies in general encourage your own natural built in healing mechanisms to flourish.
As your therapist, I can show you the tools which are available to you to optimize your own health and healing, and there are many to choose from, sometimes a bewildering choice. If there is a therapy which I think will benefit you more than one of my own disciplines, then I will give you as much information as I can about that particular one, and put you in touch with someone if that’s the way you decide to go. Your journey should be one of empowerment. Any therapies you choose to try should also embrace any support/medication prescribed by your GP.
Are therapies safe for me to have during pregnancy?
After your first trimester, most therapies are OK to try, but some may have to be adapted slightly. Reiki is fine, and is relaxing for Mum and baby. Hands & Feet massage can be a relaxing treat, and we can adapt a back massage by taking a seated position, leaning in to the couch, and supported by lots of pillows & blankets. Reflexology can be useful during pregnancy, and can be used right up to the birth, and afterwards. Everyone is individual, so phone and have a chat about your options, and always consult your midwife to ensure that you get the OK.
I am looking to try some complementary therapies to help me manage my depression. Can I stop taking my medication once I have started?
No, you should always keep your GP informed in this situation, when you try something new; it is only your GP who can advise you about reducing/stopping any medication, and he/she will do so only when the time is right for you.
I am interested in trying Reiki to help me cope with bereavement, but some friends at the church I go to have voiced their concern about this.
There is absolutely no need to be concerned. Reiki means �Life Force Energy� in Japanese, and it is not restricted to any religion whatsoever. Every living thing on this planet has a life force energy, and whatever religion you support, your life force energy flows through you. It is your essence.
After serious illness, emotional trauma, bereavement etc, your energy flow can be depleted, or blocked, and if you remain in this state for a prolonged period, illness may well develop as your body’s way of letting you know that all is not well. Remember disharmony = dis-ease. Reiki energy flows through the giver and the receiver, helping remove any blocks in the flow of energy, and ultimately helping to support your own body’s natural healing mechanisms. It is a lovely, gently treatment, and certainly nothing to be concerned or fearful about.
I am interested in a course of therapies, but am also concerned that the cost will run away with me; how many sessions do you recommend, and how will I know how much to budget for?
I always discuss this with a new client during the consultation process, on the first visit. Sessions/length of treatments are always client-led, and I can only advise. I never pressurize.
In my Code of Practice, I promise to never �spin out� a course of therapies. Client feedback is assessed continually, and the decision made to either continue as we are, or to try a different therapy. Records are written up by me after each appointment, so that we are able to look at the progress after, say, 2 or 3 sessions. If you are happy with your sessions, and your results, there is a discount option available, if you pre-pay for 6 or more appointments.
Some therapies are more effective if taken regularly; Reflexology for example. But this isn’t essential. You can still benefit from isolated sessions.
Do you sell gift vouchers?
Yes, I sell an A5 printed postcard type voucher, which can be custom written for you. I can post these to you, or you can collect.